Participants: Carla Gimeno Jaria, Wafa Aoun, Lizette Nin.
Mentoring by Cory John Scozzari, Mireia Sallares and Manuel Cirauqui, and Andrea Rodriguez Novoa & Veronica Valentini (BAR project’s team)The fourth edition of the visual arts training program BAR TOOL, organized by BAR project, took place offline between September 2020 and January 2021 in several locations in the city of Barcelona and Catalonia, after an interruption due to the global health crisis. Conceived as an open, porous and shared framework in which to position oneself, BAR TOOL#3 has been characterized by the dialogue between the three participants – Carla Gimeno Jaria, Wafa Aoun, Lizette Nin, and the three invited guest tutors – Manuel Cirauqui, Mireia Sallares and Cory Scozzari.